So, I wrote a previous post about the trials of motherhood and how I've been feeling overwhelmed at times. Do me a favor, re-read that post then multiply my frustration by 10. Then maybe you'll reach the level of irritation I'm currently at.
On Monday, my daughter had a minor surgery on her mouth to correct an issue with her tongue. I was told that kids recovery from this type of surgery and are back to school and life in 1 to 2 days. We are now on Day 3 of Motrin, popsicles and NO SCHOOL.
It's been a lot between my other responsibilities and taking care of a sick child and I needed a little time out. I put on Disney Channel in her room, left the door open so I could hear her, sat on the couch for 10 minutes to myself. WRONG ANSWER.
Parents, you know that kind of quiet your kids do and you KNOW in your soul that something bad is happening? Yeah, it was that kinda quiet. But I was so weary and tired and told myself that she was just engrossed in the latest episode of Jessie (love that show, btw!)
10 minutes later, I walk into the bathroom that adjoins to her room and see one perfect little lock of hair on the floor. My spidey senses were tingling like crazy but I figured it was just shedding from brushing her hair. I bent down, picked up the hair, and opened the cabinet under the sink to put the hair in the trash can. And that's when I saw it:
Large clumps of her dark brown hair neatly thrown away in the can. I flipped my lid, folks. I really did. I ran to her and to my dismay, the entire section of the front of her hair is now 2 inches long (or short -_-).
So, what can we learn from this? Well, I think we can all agree that mommy gets no "me time" while she's home. I think we can also agree that she needs to learn her lesson about appropriate scissor use while an adult is present. But the main lesson here, people, is when life gives you lemons...paint your nails.
Gigi xo
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