I have no readers...awesome! One day soon, when I have hundreds and hundreds of readers (right), I'll think back to this day and wish for the freedom of being able to write whatever I wish without concern for my audience. But for now, I'll just be insecure about not having any. It's what I do, people. Which for the most part is what brought me to create this blog.
My name is Gigi and I need to Get It Together. That, my friends, was the first step. You can say it for yourself now...no one will judge you. Because like most addictions, you must first look the beast in the eye and call it by name. I am addicted to being tacky. Or to put it another way, I just don't care about myself.
You've seen me before. I'm the woman with the yoga pants and Uggs on...every day. And to call then yoga pants is kind because they no longer fit properly. And to pretend that any type of physical activity is done while wearing them is a shameful lie. I carry the same purse with every outfit. I don't wear make-up anywhere. Oh, and I slouch. A lot.
But I wasn't always this way. No, ma'am! There was a time when I walked out of the house as close to perfection as possible. Hair, makeup, clothes, and attitude intact. Did I mention that I competed in beauty pageants? Yup, I was that girl. And then there was the fall from grace. Ouch :-(
Throughout this process, I'll explain more about what happened, or not, who knows. But for now, I must press forward in order to repair myself, one damaged cuticle at a time. I can't say I'll be perfect. I can't say that I'll inspire hundreds of women to change their lives and become their ultimate selves. But maybe I'll just make it. And on the way, perhaps a woman or two will Get It Together, too. That would be nice!